ROCOL ULTRACUT 370C高稀釋比率、半合成多用途水溶性切削液(ROCOL 51373)。提供低成本及高效益運作。適用于輕、中型金屬切削及研磨工序,及多種含鐵金屬(黑色金屬)及非含鐵金屬(有色金屬)材料,加水后形成半透明綠色微乳化液,易于認識。且具超凡抗細菌及霉菌功能,能乳化浮油。
General purpose, semi-synthetic cutting and grinding fluid
? Multipurpose cutting and grinding fluid.
? Compatible with both hard and soft water.
? High dilutions providing low in sump costs.
? Suitable for use with most materials.
? Excellent residual corrosion protection.
? Inherently resistant to degradation.
? Tolerant to tramp oil.
? Low foaming.
? Pleasant and safe to use.
Size: 20l Part Number: 51373
Size: 200l Part Number: 51379
關(guān)鍵詞:ROCOL ULTRACUT 370C,ROCOL 51373,ROCOL 51379